SaaS SEO Sprints Methodology

Say hello to SEO-as-a-Product. A simple and cost-effective solution hitting goals without expensive and long-term contracts.


The Strategy Sprint

A deep technical and competitive audits to uncover your SEO Strategy and path to growth.


The Content Sprint

Focusing efforts on the right pages, keywords and competitors to outline the content needed for your website.


The Authority Sprint

Getting featured links from relevant websites to build trust with Google and outperform the competition.

"Sprints Methodology" In a Nutshell

Here is how we will take you from the point you are now to the massive organic growth and new opportunities.

😵‍💫 Pain Points
Traffic & MRR need a boost
Paid ads are maxed out
Need a new growth channel
Investors asking for traction
🤩 Opportunities
Traffic is growing
More signups from Google
Sales team is busy
Confidence in rising funds

Optimized For The New Reality

1. What Are Sprints Exactily?
We took a complex SEO service and boiled it down to a set of simple processes to make it scalable and repeatable. Servicing the same type of clients with the same type of needs allows us to deliver predictable and satisfying results over and over and over again.
2. Why Did We Introduce SEO Sprints?
Obviously, you don’t want 12-months contracts, especially with someone you never worked with before. Why? Because the market is unstable, and no one wants to be locked into a contract in the middle of the pandemic. On the other hand, we understand that you still need an SEO to keep the needle moving forward.
3. How Did We Do It?
What we did is we unpackaged that 12-months project plan and turned it into Sprints. Now we can look at your website’s current state and tell what is needed to achieve the best results in the shortest way possible.
4. How Do You Benefit From Sprints?
You can hire us for as many Sprints as you need without the risk of getting trapped into the contract. Your marketing plan has changed? Not a problem, let’s move that content sprint two months later and focus solely on link building or pause our service until you are ready to get back to SEO again. Easy.
5. Why Should You Care?
Not only do you get the productized service in the form of Sprints, but you get all the deliverables we work on throughout the campaign. But who needs a bunch of spreadsheets and docs only we can understand, right? Wrong! In the middle or at the end of every Sprint, you get an ELI5 consultation to learn how to read them and use them even when we are not around.

Sprints Pricing Features

On-demand Service
Use any Sprint on demand and pay for what matters now.
Flexible Pricing
Adjust Sprints price based on your budget and website size.
Comfortable Terms
Pay once and get results without recurring payments and long-term contracts.

Sprints Collaboration Features

Efficient Processes
Streamlined service delivery, reduced costs, redundancies, and headaches.
Simplified & Standardized SOPs
Less general people are involved in project management, which allows us to hire a more specialized (single focused) workforce.

Sprints Intelligence Features

Transparency: ON
Keep 100% of data, insights, and files for your internal use.
ELI5 Consultation Sessions
ELI5 consultations are built-in in every Sprint. You will become a SEO Pro by the end of every Sprint.

Ready to sprint? 🏃🏻‍♂️

Find out how to turn your SEO channel into a growth machine and significantly increase your MRR.